Dominik Hasek calls out all Russian athletes ... again

April 21, 2022  (10:07 PM)

Since the invasion of Ukraine, many people have taken to social media to voice their displeasure of the war and unfortunately the Russian people.

Dominik Hasek is one of the greatest goaltenders to ever play in the NHL, and if he were on better teams, he would probably be in the top 3 for all-time wins. He has been fairly consistent on Twitter, begging for leagues to suspend Russian athletes until this war is over, and he took to Twitter today to voice his long opinion.
To all Russian athletes representing on the international field. First of all, I want to write to you, that I admire many of you for your excellent performances, which you show and by which some of you have reached the absolute top in your profession.

At the moment, however, I consider it necessary that you, all without exception, be suspended from all the competitions in the world. Your participation and performance in any sport is also an advertisement for your country and its actions.

Advertising that reaches tens of billions of dollars a month. In any case, it far exceeds the price of all the ads together in Superball. Yes, such financial values have your performances worldwide on the advertising of your Russian country and its actions and deeds.

Unfortunately, your country's army is now waging an aggressive war against the peaceful democratic country and its people. Your army is committing crimes against humanity there, killing thousands of people in the territory of Ukraine and others are being driven out of their homes

Our, and I believe yours too, goal is to immediately stop the Russian aggression in Ukraine! Stop the killing and save many lives. Not only the lives of Ukrainians, but also of your fellow citizens, who were deployed there in the fighting.

Given these circumstances, I consider it necessary to immediately stop this huge advertisement that is helping your country finance and wage this aggressive war. And therefore temporarily exclude you from all competitions.

I am very sorry that you will not be able to compete against the best in the world and earn important money. However, people's lives and their rescue are always at the forefront, and you can be proud to be involved in this way.None game in the world, is worth more than human life.

For everyone (fans, athletes and especially Russian athletes). Don't blame anyone but Putin and his supporters. They are responsible for all the dead. And therefore also for the necessary stopping of advertising , which means your suspension.
-Dominik Hasek via Twitter

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Dominik Hasek calls out all Russian athletes ... again

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