Brady Tkachuk makes more sense than the Ontario government

Jay Tup
December 31, 2021  (3:10 PM)

The Toronto Maple Leafs are scheduled to play the Ottawa Senators tomorrow night at 7 pm and if it weren't for a National television audience it's very likely the NHL would have postponed this game as well. But it's been almost two weeks since the Maple Leafs have played and the thought of a national TV audience on New Years Day is far too tantalizing for the NHL to turn down.

The Province of Ontario mandated that major sporting events would only be able to be attended by a maximum of 1000 people. Ultimately the Maple Leafs made the decision that logistically it didn't make any sense to even allow the 1000 fans to attend. For a team who has thousands of season ticket holders it was actually cheaper to just refund everyone's tickets than it did to refund most tickets and decide who would receive access.
To say the mood in Ontario is frustrated would be an understatement. The people of the province are tired of the ever changing restrictions, especially those that don't seem to even make sense. Out of all sporting events held in the province of Ontario from the Blue Jays, Raptors, Toronto FC and Maple Leafs there has only been a single documented outbreak tied to sporting events.
Brady Tkachuk was asked his thoughts about playing in front of empty seats and Tkachuk gave a more competent answer than Premier Doug Ford has in months.
"I wish it was a full crowd for tomorrow's match. I know the province has put in rules to keep people safe ... It sucks. I just wish they gave people the choice on the decision to come to games instead of just kind of taking it away."
Brady make a lot of sense with his suggestion of allowing people to make their own decisions. With rules like mandatory masking and vaccination already in place it only makes sense to give people the choice on whether they'd like to attend or not. It's becoming sad that someone like Tkachuk is more in touch with these problems than those making decisions.