After careful consideration, I will be stepping away from the Hockey Diversity Alliance (HDA). Diversity within the sport of hockey is something I have been passionate about since entering the NHL in 2009. Three years ago, along with fellow founders, the Hockey Diversity Alliance was formed with its primary purpose to rid the game we all love of racism and inspire a new diverse generation of players and fans.
Over the course of our respective careers, each of my fellow alliance members have endured multiple forms of racism, and it was our initial goal to shed light on these experiences. In its early days, the impact and role of the HDA was significant. Unfortunately, my greatest concerns about our organization have come to fruition and the HDA is now being led and influenced by members with individual agendas. There has also been a combative approach with other organizations and groups that have embarked on similar goals. This is a method I do not support.
As difficult and disappointing as this decision is today, I will continue to do my part in helping to grow the game of hockey for players of color. I hope to bring people together in a positive way to create a better future for the next generation of young hockey players.
Evander Kane