Son of NHL Hall of Famer shares the details of his near death experience

Jay Tup
February 1, 2022  (4:01 PM)

Patrick Roy is an NHL Legend and his son Jonathan initially followed in his father's footsteps before quitting hockey to pursue his true love of music. While on a recent trip to Mexico though Jonathan suffered an accident that nearly took his life. He took to his Instagram account to share the details of this scary experience.

This is me smiling and happy to be alive 3 weeks ago in Cozumel after getting the bends (Decompression sickness). The whole right side of my body paralyzed as I got to the surface after I miss calculated my accent and payed the price.

This was probably one of the most intense moments of my life. Heart pounding and so many thoughts rushing through my mind like, "Am I gunna walk again, Will I ever sing or speak again or what will my life be like now?» I got to tell you, I am more than grateful to be in one piece. 🙏🏻 This picture was taken just before going into the decompression chamber for 12 hours and thank god I ain't claustrophobic! 😂

I am back in Cozumel and after 3 weeks off Im back in the water. My first dive was an emotional one. I battled my anxiety and pushed through the negative thoughts and had a great dive. Definitely do not have the confidence that I once had but baby steps are what I need to take.

This is a simple reminder that whatever your passion is always take extra precautions, double check your things and do not take anything for granted in life.

J ❤️

It's great to hear that Jonathan is persevering and pushing through after this very scary experience and he provides a very important message to everyone about how important the little things are.