Witness Reveals What Happened in the Leafs Game Fight

S. Harper
April 16, 2022  (11:05 PM)

In case you missed it, during Thursday night's game between the Toronto Maple Leafs and Washington Capitals, the action wasn't just on the ice it was also in the stands at Scotia bank Arena.

Thursday night a video went viral showing a fight that broke out in the crowd during the game from what the video its sounded like a male was defending the female you see in the video.
From what was shown and said it was the boyfriend defending his girlfriend that may of been touched inappropriately by the older man.
Well it now appears we have some witness testimony as to what caused the entire fight. According to the Reddit user they witnessed the following:
"I was a couple rows away and watched this whole thing happen. The guy in the Tavares jersey and his girlfriend in the Boston Bruins black and yellow jersey were trying to leave the row and the big guy wasn't moving. The girl started yelling at him to move but he didn't move for 1-2 minutes. When he did move, the girl walked past as she yelled in his face and gave him the middle finger very close to his face. Then the girl slapped pretty lightly the big guy in the face. The big guy immediately hit the girl in the face with his whole arm and then he tackled them both to the ground. People intervened and pulled him off of them he fell backwards before the girls boyfriend Tavares jersey jumped on him and started feeding him punches.

So by the sounds of this, the victim caused the whole thing by not moving when the couple asked to go by. Anyone that's been to a hockey game, it's a given people next to you get up to go to the washroom, get snacks or beverages. They say excuse me, and you move out of the way for them to get by.
This could have all been so easily avoided.
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Witness Reveals What Happened in the Leafs Game Fight

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