Reports indicate the Rangers are open to trading captain Jacob Trouba

Tyler Ball
June 27, 2024  (3:14 PM)

New York Rangers captain Jacob Trouba speaking to the media after the Stanley Cup Playoffs
Photo credit: Screenshot

Today, new reports indicate the New York Rangers are looking to possibly part ways with their captain Jacob Trouba this offseason.

The New York Rangers faced another heartbreaking loss in the Stanley Cup Playoffs. Throughout the playoffs, there was heavy criticism for their captain Jacob Trouba. Now reports from NHL insider Chris Johnston have revealed the team is exploring trading Jacob Trouba this summer.
I've heard #NYR are trying to move a defenseman ... a lot of talk that Jacob Trouba could be the odd man out there. — @reporterchris on TCJS pod

Most teams do not end up trading their captain in the middle of his contract so this comes as a surprise. However, with where Jacob Trouba fits in the New York Rangers lineup next season his leadership just is not worth the salary cap hit.
CJ notes that it's "not because he's disliked or anything," but notes that he's simply too expensive to be a third-pairing defenseman and his NMC becomes a 15-team NTC on July 1st. Says "that's something to keep an eye on." #NYR

Adding on to this conversation insider Frank Seravalli confirmed all of the reports above and revealed what team might be the most interested.

A new favorite emerges to trade for Rangers captain Jacob Trouba

Frank Seravalli also chimed in on this situation. The timing of the trade comes after Jacob Trouba drops from a full no-movement clause to a 15-team no-trade list. This would give Chris Drury and the New York Rangers more freedom to make a deal.
The Rangers are exploring all of their options this summer as GM Chris Drury remains as aggressive as ever trying to get New York over the hump. One of those options is potentially moving his captain. Trouba also just happens to be dropping down from a full ‘no-movement' clause to a 15-team ‘no-trade' list starting on Monday.

Finally, Frank Seravalli confirmed that the Rangers might already have a trade partner in mind. The Detroit Red Wings are looking to upgrade their defense and Jacob Trouba is from that area.
Trouba has positive trade equity, despite the cap hit, because the term is so short with two years remaining. Teams crave his intensity, leadership and physicality. Are the Detroit Red Wings, looking to upgrade their blueline, a viable option for the Michigan native?" Seravalli said.

Jacob Trouba still has plenty left in the tank at just 30 years old. His style does not seem to fit where the New York Rangers are heading. If a team like the Detroit Red Wings wants veteran leadership on defense Jacob Trouba could be a good addition.
Source: Rangers captain Jacob Trouba reportedly a trade candidate this summer
27 JUIN   |   89 ANSWERS
Reports indicate the Rangers are open to trading captain Jacob Trouba

Will the New York Rangers actually end up trading Jacob Trouba this offseason?

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