Don Cherry speaks out about Canada's Freedom Convoy

Jay Tup
January 29, 2022  (4:15 PM)

Many people have spoken out recently about Canada's Freedom Convoy. Over the past week Joe Rogan, Elon Musk, Mike Fisher and all have thrown out their support for the movement. Now Don Cherry has also joined by throwing his support behind those involved.

"I am 100% behind the truckers," Don Cherry told the Toronto Sun on Friday. "They are salt of the earth and the heartbeat of the country."

When asked how he felt about this movement Cherry shared he's "thrilled to see all of the patriotism countrywide."

"I am also impressed with all of the people out cheering on the highways and bridges. They are out there offering lunches and pats on the back all across the country. It's amazing. I mean that's not easy. It's -20C out there. And yet they are there to let the truckers know they are with them."

While Cherry never worked in the industry he shared his history with truck drivers, "I was never a truck driver but I was the guy loading the trucks when they came in. Until I went to the Boston Bruins as coach, I worked every summer in construction. When I was in Rochester, I worked at Kodak."

Cherry shared that it was at Kodak where he got to know many long-haul truckers.

"They are a tough group. They pick up or drop off their load and then they're right back in their rigs to drive a thousand miles to do it again."

Cherry also shared his opinion on vaccine mandates.

"It should always be a person's own choice. I have had three shots but it was my own decision. I did not tell anybody else what they should do and would never tell anybody what they should do. It's up to them. That is basic liberty. Same goes when it comes to demonstrating or protesting. As long as it's done peacefully, it's perfectly fine."

Cherry has often been one to push the envelope and his actions finally caught up to him when his "you people" comment on HNIC ended his tenure with the network.

"Freedom of speech or choice, or how to vote, is why all of those soldiers died in wars."

Cherry also added, "I dont worry about truckers or supporters causing trouble in Ottawa but hope a few radicals out there don't ruin it for everybody else."

When asked if he was worried about how these comments might be perceived Cherry concluded with.

"I don't care what anybody else thinks. I lasted on TV for 40 years doing that."

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