Hockey PEI deserves to be reprimanded by Hockey Canada

Jay Tup
January 8, 2022  (10:43)

Keegan Mitchell is a 20 year old Junior B Hockey player in Prince Edward Island and is a member of the Sherwood Metro of the IsJHL. The league previously made the news back in December when reports of a player using an anti-Asian remark surfaced.

In the December 17th game a member of the Kensington Vipers made the remark to a member of one of Mitchell's teammates. Mitchell didn't want to reveal the nature of the comment but did say, «I went out there, and I told the guy what he said was very racist and had no place in the game,» Mitchell followed this up with a slash that earned him a 2- game suspension.

The player who made the comment was also found guilt of the comment and also issued a 2 game suspension. That's right, the league felt the racist comment and Mitchell's slash deserving of the same punishment. Like most people Mitchell took offense to this results and took to his Facebook page to share his thoughts.

Mitchell wrote:

«For those of you who know me personally or through hockey, I am almost absolutely certain you recognize me as someone who always stands up for themselves, but more importantly for my friends and teammates."

«If Hockey P.E.I. took these scenarios as seriously as they say they do, this player would have been suspended appropriately . A two-game suspension for a racist slur is absolutely disgraceful.» The «pitiful suspension is making our whole community look racist.»

Mitchell clearly didn't hold back in his criticism, but ultimately these comments cost him. Mitchell received a letter from Mike Hammill, the chair of Hockey P.E.I.'s discipline and ethics committee.

The letter reads that the committee has deemed Mitchell «a member not in good standing,» which immediately suspends him from all hockey activities sanctioned by the governing body in the province.

There has been an outcry against this punishment and Mitchell, who says he's not going to stop speaking out about this situation said, "I'm not just going to let this go. If I don't ever play hockey again, that's fine by me, because I'm going to fight this until it's right.»

It's clear Mitchell knows how far he's willing to take this, so it will be interesting if Hockey PEI is going to budge or if Hockey Canada is forced to intervene.

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