When Alexander Ovechkin came to the National Hockey League in 2005, he did so in style. He had a tinted visor, which quickly became popular with the youth at the time who wanted to be just like Ovi.
At the All Star Game this past weekend, during an interview, Ovechkin revealed that one goalie complained so much about the visor that it became banned in the NHL.
The league ended up banning the tinted visors in 2006 and we have now officially learned why. Ovechkin was asked about it and this was his response:
Martin Brodeur start crying to the league, 'I can't his eyes.' What are our you talking about?
Ovechkin who at the time was just a rookie, has now turned into one of the biggest stars to ever play the game of hockey. He has had a legendary career that has definitely surpassed the goaltenders who at the time had a lot more 'pull' than the rookie.