Craig Berube leaks the Maple Leafs plans for Mitch Marner

Graham Montgomery
June 29, 2024  (8:17 PM)

Toronto Maple Leafs forward Mitch Marner speaking to the media at the All-Star game
Photo credit: Toronto Maple Leafs

Toronto Maple Leafs head coach Craig Berube is actively working to get to know his players; his thoughts on Mitch Marner are quite notable.

All indications seem to point to the fact that the Toronto Maple Leafs will be going into next season with Mitch Marner on the roster. This may come as a surprise to many Leafs fans considering the fact that the superstar winger has been involved in just about every trade rumor surrounding the Leafs this summer. After all, Marner is coming off the worst playoffs performance of his career and he is entering a contract year next season. That being said, Berube is speaking about Marner as if he is a lock to be on the team come opening night.
Craig Berube on Mitch Marner:

"He's a character guy. He's a great person. Obviously, a great player. I'm looking forward to coaching him." 👀

[via: @lukefoxjukebox]


Fan reaction to these comments has been mixed. Many have shrugged them off as they have heard similar things from past Leafs coaches.
I'm sure every coach says that until they have to bite their tongue around him cuz they're afraid to hurt his feelings

However, other fans have taken this as another sign that the team is planning on re-signing him. To be fair, if Marner is still on the team come opening night, then an extension may very well be the move that makes the most sense for the team.
They are definitely going to re-sign him my fear is, they are going to grossly overpay him! Anything over 11.5 is too much for an assist only player! Marner is a great playmaker but that's all he is! Let's not forget how he mysteriously vanishes in the playoffs too!

NHL insider Kevin Weeks reported yesterday at the draft that Marner will certainly be on the team for opening night. This could be the nail in the coffin for those Marner trade rumors. Furthermore, it could be an indication that they really are planning on extending him. After all, it won't make sense to trade him if the team is in a playoff position at the deadline, as well all expect.
Kevin Weekes on if he thinks Mitch Marner will remain with the Leafs on opening night next season:

«Yes, he's a Toronto kid, it's his choice. I've had a lot of talks with his agent, and it's his right. He wants to be a Leaf. I don't see him relinquishing that.»

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Craig Berube leaks the Maple Leafs plans for Mitch Marner

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