English Hockey Association Will Soon Require Neckguards

Austin Kelly
October 30, 2023  (8:57 PM)

England's Hockey Governing Body is taking major steps in Hockey safety, including the mandatory use of neckguards in 2024.

Neckguards Required By English Hockey Association

The English Ice Hockey Association (EIHA) has confirmed in a statement that neck protections will be made mandatory by 2024 following the death of Notthingham Panthers Forward Adam Johnson, who was cut in the neck by the skate of an opposing Sheffield Steelers player last Saturday.

In a statement, the EIHA announced a three-step plan aimed at reducing incidents on English ice such as Johnson's death, which added safety measures aiming both to enact solutions in the short-term and long-term.

"As in all sports, the safety of our players must take precedence above all else.", the EIHA's statement reads, "We are firmly committed to our obligation to exhaust every possible means to ensure that a tragic incident of this nature never befalls our sport again."

As apart of the guidelines set out by the EIHA, in the short-term, the EIHA have approved for the mandatory use of neck guards by January 1st, 2024. Neck protection is given a "strong recommendation" by the EIHA, but not mandatory until 2024 due to projected supply concerns. The EIHA's statement as well states, "All protective equipment must be worn without alterations and as directed by the manufacturers' specification."

Within the next 12 months, the EIHA plans a player safety review into "all aspects" of safety equipment, including helmets & face shields, in order to determine proper safety standards. The EIHA will also begin constant reviews of team safety protocol, making sure all teams continue to meet the standards laid out by the EIHA.

As well, the EIHA issued in it's statement, the understanding that such incidents like Johnson's must never happen again, acknowledging his death as a tragedy that the right solutions can be put in place to avoid the potential of another similar incident on English ice.

It is unacceptable for any player to lose their life while playing sport. Our responsibility is not only to avert the recurrence of such a heart-breaking accident, but also to pre-emptively address other foreseeable incidents in the future. We bear both a legal and a moral obligation to respond in a measured and pragmatic way. There is a distinct likelihood that comprehensive evaluations will transpire at the international level, and the EIHA is committed to taking an active and constructive role in this comprehensive process. - EIHA

The EIHA's statement can be read here

English Hockey Association Will Soon Require Neckguards

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