During the end of his career, Kevin Bieksa was more of a physical presence than anything for the Ducks, but in his prime he was putting up 40+ points. Bieksa pulled off this superman punch multiple times, but this was by far the best as he knock big Radko Gudas to the ice with just one punch! <div class='youtube_container'><iframe class='youtube_video' src='https://www.youtube.com/embed/pg3C5ugyL-s' width='100%' loading='lazy' frameborder='0' title='' allow='autoplay; fullscreen' allowfullscreen></iframe></div> <script src=https://www.hockeydb.com/em/?text_col=%23000000&linktext_col=%230000ee&linktext_hover_col=%23770000&bg_col=%23f0ecdd&border_col=%23000000&title_bg_col=%23d6cda5&row_bg_col=%23ffffff&row_alt_bg_col=%23f5f2e9&header=1&pid=63159 type=text/javascript>