"Since the cap came into the effect, the number of Stanley Cups won in Los Angeles, in California with Anaheim and Los Angeles, which has about a high tax rate as anywhere in Canada, is the same number as Florida. Okay, I don't believe it is the issue that some make it out to be, I don't believe that that's the deciding factor for where players want to go. We're not hearing from the players that it's an issue and when you look at it, you can't just look at taxes. You have to look at the cost of living, the cost of housing, what's a desirable place to live in, and the fact that we have the salary cap means that one team, no matter what jurisdiction they're in, they can't scoop up all of the best players and get the best economic deals.
But it's something we look at to make sure that there's a fundamental or substantive base to what I'm saying and based on the preliminary analysis that we've done, I believe what I'm saying is correct."